Poole Environmental Well-Being Hub – Healthy Lives, Healthy Planet

This is an exciting new venture with the Poole Community Exchange, centred in the Dickinson Hall at Parkstone United Reformed Church.

Planet Earth Needs Our Help
This project began as a children’s book, written and illustrated by local artist and author Marylyn Cropley.

The Hub seeks to provide a local centre in Poole, where issues of personal well-being and environmental awareness can be promoted through a range of community activities.

The Hub can be booked* for environmental/wellbeing activities that can use the exhibition of the book, with explanations of the Science Behind the story, supporting information and links to other useful organisations. This resource can complement environmental activities, wellbeing sessions, meetings, training and social events organised by others.

* through the usual booking process with Parkstone URC, see back page.

Their website contains full details of the project, with free, downloadable resources for schools, families and community groups: worksheets, activity sheets, project ideas, with helpful links to other organisations and resources.

It is intended to develop a programme of activities in the Hub for the next year. Please check the Planet Earth website regularly for updates.

In addition to its function as a place of worship, Parkstone United Reformed Church (PURC) provides a range of activities and facilities, including a variety of meeting spaces for community groups. Poole Community Exchange (PCE), is a charity focused on people who are socially excluded, for whatever reason, and its activities support their mental, physical, spiritual and financial well-being.

Together, they run the Pantry and Community Fridge PURC and PCE jointly provide a Community Living Room with community meals, free advice, counselling and activities for children and families.


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